Kompozer for Windows free

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Kompozer 0.8b3

    Even without programming skills can create web pages. We serve the WYSIWYG editor KompoZer. Kompozer has included himself in the FTP client, spell check support for Tabs. It works on the same rendering system (Gecko) than mozilla.
    The program is in English.

Kompozer : Author:Fabien Cazenave ,

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Kompozer All versions of: (3)

Name : Downloads Date added
Kompozer 0.8b3 4369 x 27.01.2013
Kompozer 0.8b3 HU 24974 x 26.01.2013
Kompozer 0.8b3 CZ 147 x 26.01.2013

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DAEMON Tools Lite v10.2.0 - 12:34:08
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