Skype for Android

Android Communication

Skype - náhľad


    Free calls to Skype to Skype calling over 3 g or Wi-Fi, and you can talk with one or more friends at the same time Low global prices for mobile phones and
  • fixed lines, at home or abroad to find a friend's
    Function enables you to easily find your friends and add them to your contact list. You can synchronize contacts with your contacts Skype for Android if you wish.
    some mobile phones may not be currently supported. If you want to run Skype for Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.2, you will need.

    Note: Skype is not a replacement for telephone service and cannot be used for emergency calls. Also note that if you are roaming in international networks, it may result in additional costs to the phone bill.

    Apple Supported phones iPhone, iPod touch, Nokia 5320, 5530

    , 5800, 6210 Navigator, 6220 classic, C6, C7, E51, E63, E66, E71, E5, E72, E75, E90, N81, N78, N79, N81 8 GB, N82, N8, N85, N95, N95 8 GB, N96, N97, N97 mini, X 6

    , Vivaz, Satio, Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro

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