Image tuner for Windows free

Graphics Edit Photos

Image tuner - náhľad

Image tuner 4.3

    Image Tuner 4.3 is a free software for batch resizing, conversion, watermarking and renaming your digital photos and images from more than 20 image formats to JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIF. The program will help you to prepare your digital photos to upload and publish them on the Internet or send e-mail. Automatic retrieval of digital images in any folder and subfolders. Resize by percentage, default (iPad, iPhone, Facebook, etc.), or custom size. Supports camera RAW (CRW, CR2, RAW, NEF, DCR, X3F, ORF, etc.). 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 supports Windows (32 and 64 bit)

Image tuner : Author:Glorylogic ,

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Image tuner All versions of: (2)

Name : Downloads Date added
Image tuner 4.3 24 x 29.11.2013
Image tuner 1.2 332 x 18.3.2010

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DAEMON Tools Lite v10.2.0 - 12:34:08
SK - Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)

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