LibreOffice for Windows free

Office Office Suite

LibreOffice - náhľad

LibreOffice 7.6.4

    LibreOffice Fresh is stable version with latest features. It is a free office suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux for the development of LibreOffice by former OpenOffice application developers. It contains a total of six full-applications to work with documents and data: Writer - text editor Calc - spreadsheet editor Impress - create presentations, Draw - a vector graphics, Base - database manager, Math - creation of mathematical formulas
  • Writer - editor
  • Calc - spreadsheet editor
  • Impress - presentation creation
  • Draw - work with vector graphics
  • Base - Database Administrator
  • Math - create mathematical formulas

    Multi-language version.

LibreOffice : Author:The Document Foundation ,

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LibreOffice All versions of: (3)

Name : Downloads Date added
LibreOffice 7.6.4 8 x 14.12.2023
LibreOffice 5.1.0 545 x 10.02.2016
LibreOffice 3.4.4 221 x 1.01.2012

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DAEMON Tools Lite v10.2.0 - 12:34:08
SK - Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)

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