Adobe Reader for Windows free

Utility PDF viewer

Adobe Reader - náhľad

Adobe Reader SK

  • Adobe reader SK. It is the best-known viewer of PDF documents from the Adobe workshop. It is the Slovak version of the program. Online installation

Adobe Reader : Author:Adobe Systems Inc. ,

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Adobe Reader All versions of: (6)

Name : Downloads Date added
Adobe Reader HU 46 x 19.02.2024
Adobe Reader SK 78 x 19.02.2024
Adobe Reader 11 SK 30827 x 13.04.2013
Adobe reader 10.1 CZ 367 x 18.03.2012
Adobe reader 10.1 SK 1966 x 24.02.2012
Adobe reader 9.3 SK 17779 x 18.05.2010

Last download:
OpenOffice v 4.1.14 SK - 18:15:31
SK - Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)

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