PSPad Download free

Webmasters WWW

PSPad 4.5.4

    Inherent programming equipment, every webmaster - working in Microsoft Windows, working with plain text - the extensive text formatting options, of course, making up a website - contains many unique time-saving features, programs and the necessary IDE for their compiler - allows you to capture and parse output compilations. PSPad supports file types: C + +, Cobol, MS-Dos batch, CSS, Forth, Fortran, FoxPro, HTML, XHTML, INI, Inno Setup, Java, JavaScript, KixStart, Object Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, RSS , SQL, TCL / TK, Unix ShellScript, VBScript, Visual Basic, X86 assembler and other 120 languages.

    in languages​​: Czech, Slovak, English

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