Nokia for Windows free

Communication Mobile Phone

Nokia Suite

    With Nokia Suite you can move content between phone and computer, manage contacts, data, photos, music, videos and applications and get the latest software for your phone. You can synchronize data between your phone and PC, and create multimedia messages or manage your phone. You can back up your contacts, data, photos, music, videos, notes and files. Updating the phone firmware. Share photos via the Internet. Get free map updates around the world for your Nokia.

Nokia : Author:Nokia ,

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Nokia All versions of: (2)

Name : Downloads Date added
Nokia Suite 1148 x 21.10.2012
Nokia PC Suite 7.1 150 x 21.10.2012

Last download:
Kompozer 0.8b3 HU - 07:39:24
HU - HungaryHungary

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