Gimp for Windows free

Graphics Bitmap Editor

Gimp 2.8.16

    Another version, the best known Linux bitmap editor Gimp, its features are comparable to Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw. Since version 2.8 is more similar to Photoshop, can cope with the PSD. He who knows the Gimp does not even read the description. He does not know it, you should definitely download it and try it.

Gimp : Author:GNU Image Manipulation Program ,

Starting Download..

Gimp All versions of: (5)

Name : Downloads Date added
Gimp 2.10.36 12 x 15.12.2023
Gimp 2.8.16 494 x 8.12.2015
Gimp 2.8 714 x 24.06.2012
Gimp 2.6.11 windows 504 x 24.02.2012
Gimp 2.6.8 windows 1045 x 18.3.2010

Last download:
OpenOffice v 4.1.14 SK - 18:15:31
SK - Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)

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