Maxton Download free

Internet Web Browser

Maxton - náhľad


    Maxton uses up possibilities Cloud. After registration, each user is given 10 gigabytes available for free, this virtual space you can use to store data for your new Maxton browser. This means that any downloaded file can download straight to Cloud or directly to the hard drive. Fast page load times and less memory consumption. Gesture control mice, RSS reader takes office are integrated in the browser. Other features you can install plug-ins. This cross-platform browser you can install in addition to Windows and MAC, iPhone, Android. Maxton is less known but it's a great browser. Maxton Browser includes about 40 languages.

Maxton : Author:Maxthon International Limited ,

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Maxton All versions of: (2)

Name : Downloads Date added
Maxton 700 x 20.12.2012

Last download:
ShareX 15.0.0 - 17:06:26
HU - HungaryHungary

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