Opera for Windows free

Internet Web Browser

Opera - náhľad

Opera 16

    Opera web browser version 16.0.1196.73 brings several changes. Opera runs on a stable core Chromia 29 For those who like to experiment there is a new page opera: flags is a tool to enable or disable experimental features. Again, it introduced the automatic replenishment forms. Installed more extensions such as.: Smooth Scrolling - it's smooth scrolling lists. I personally lack the key to save the password. And also I miss the email client.

Opera : Author:Opera Software ,

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Opera All versions of: (15)

Name : Downloads Date added
Opera 105 178 x 14.12.2023
Opera 42 2977 x 3.02.2017
Opera 35 212 x 5.02.2016
Opera 34 153 x 8.12.2015
Opera 27 363 x 23.02.2015
Opera 18 783 x 26.11.2013
Opera 16 72 x 21.09.2013
Opera 12.14 324 x 3.03.2013
Opera 12.12 234 x 20.12.2012
Opera 12.2 552 x 23.09.2012
Opera 12 477 x 22.06.2012
Opera 11.61 488 x 12.02.2012
Opera 10.52 203 x 18.11.2011
Opera 10.51 699 x 27.03.2010
Opera 10.50 17103 x 18.3.2010

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DAEMON Tools Lite v10.2.0 - 12:34:08
SK - Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)Slovakia (SLOVAK Republic)

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